
Though getting pregnant seems easy, the process often requires exquisite timing. Normally, it takes several months or sometimes even years to get pregnant.

Most women do not conceive on their first try. Women under 30 usually conceive after trying for 12 to 18 months. Statistics show that only 25% of women become pregnant after their first cycle. Around 60% women conceive within the first six months, 75% within nine months, and 90% of them conceive within 18 months.

Understanding your fertility cycle is the first and key step to pregnancy. In most women, if the cycle is regular, ovulation period occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle. The fertile period for getting pregnant begins 4 to 5 days before ovulation and lasts 1-2 days after it. One has the maximum possibility of conceiving on the day just before and after the ovulation.

A healthy lifestyle is essential as preparation for getting pregnant. You should quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. It is estimated that smoking can reduce the chance of getting pregnant by 40%. High alcohol consumption can also cause infertility among men and women. It reduces the normal hormone production, which inhibits fertility. Recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and barbiturates can also reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

You should always maintain an ideal weight. Overweight or underweight women find it difficult to conceive. You should also follow a healthy diet. According to the FDA, all women attempting pregnancy should consume a good amount of folic acid supplements. Moreover, you should limit the intake of caffeine. FDA has reported that women who drink more than 100mg of caffeine/day take more than a year to conceive.

Severe stress and depression can also reduce your chances of getting pregnant. This is because high levels of stress affect the normal functioning of the hypothalamus, which controls your hormone production. Thus, it can delay the ovulation time, which in turn delays the chances of conceiving.

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